Shopify App : Zipcode Checker ‑ Zippy

Most Powerful Pincode / Postcode Serviceability Validator

About Zipcode Checker ‑ Zippy

Product Specific Checker : Product and Collection Specific zipcode serviceability checker. You can create multiple zipcode Sets and select the products/collections.

Inline & Popup Widget : Zippy offers both inline zipcode widget and popup widget. You can place it on product pages, cart page and home page.

Easy To Use Design Editor : It has most powerful and easy to use design editor. You can customise the design as per your store's theme and color scheme.

BlueDart Delhivery Shiprocket
Zipcode Checker Shopify

Zippy is the most advanced tool that is designed to add a zipcode availability checker at your e-commerce store. Many store owners feel the need for this tool but store themes do not pre-include this feature. So here is this tool to help you out.

Customers can enter their area zip code and check if that product is available at their location or not. It can be really disappointing when a customer found that a specific product is not available at their locality, this can lead to a loss of customers from your store.

Key Features :

  • Zippy adds a widget that checks product availability at a zipcode on your store.
  • Product-wise zipcode list.
  • Collection wise zipcode list.
  • Custom messages for serviceable ZIPCodes.
  • You can import bulk zipcode from a CSV file.
  • You can customize the appearance of the widget according to your store theme.
  • You can export all your zipcode in the form of CSV.
  • With one click you can enable or disable the Zippy widget on your store.
  • One-click simple setup.

How It Works :

  1. Install zippy on your store.
  2. Create a zipcode set.
  3. Import zipcodes in the form of CSV or by single entry or by range where the products are available.
  4. Enable the widget from settings.
  5. Zippy widget is visible on the product page at your store.
  6. Customers can enter the area zipcode and check if the product is available at his/her location or not.
App Images
Launch date
April 24, 2020
App rating

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].