Shopify App : Wishl Favorites Wishlist

Let your customers keep a wishlist and keep them coming back!

About Wishl Favorites Wishlist

Keep customers coming back : Your shoppers can create wishlists of products they want with one click, and you can bring them back to your shop with reminders.

Learn about your shoppers : Learn which products and variants your customers want most so you can manage inventory and understand what to promote.

Increase shop awareness : Every wishlist is easily shared, allowing customers to spread awareness of your shop by sharing their favorites with friends and family!


Wishl lets your customers start a list with their favorite products with just one click. It's easy and works on mobile, too!

How it works

  • Wishlists are saved in a browser cookie by default for 90 days, but to save their wishlist permanently, shoppers can sign up for or log into a customer account in your shop.
  • Shopper can create multiple lists, add and move products to any of their lists when logged into an account at your shop
  • Sharing is easy: the wishlist page has direct links to share a list on social networks and the list address to copy & paste anywhere
  • Notes allow shoppers to annotate their list and the items they've added
  • Price drop tracking lets a shopper see which products have dropped in price. (You can enable or disable this in app preferences.)
  • Mobile/Responsive design: works and displays on smartphones and tablets
  • Customize the text and appearance of the wishlist button!
  • Translate and control Wishl's text using the Languages section of the app admin

Keep customers coming back with email reminders

  • Close more sales from customers who showed interest in your products and registered an account.
  • Customers receive an email with their list items linking to each product and your shop's wishlist page, where they can log in to view their list.
  • Customize your own email text — say hello in your own unique way or make them an offer they can't resist.

View wish list stats for your shop

  • How many wishlists does my shop have?
  • How many items have been added?
  • How many times has each product been added/favorited?
  • Which variant is most coveted?

Increase sales, keep customers coming back, and gain valuable insights

With Wishl, you'll learn about your customers, which products they like, and what they want most from your shop. You'll keep your customers coming back with automatic wishlist reminder emails, and spread awareness of your shop by letting your customers create shareable wishlists for family and friends. Simply put, Wishl will help you delight your customers and sell more products!

App Images
Launch date
July 16, 2015
App rating
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

Speed tested: no impact to your online store

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at