Shopify App : B4B – Variable Products

Variants on collection page & Collection filter by variants

About B4B – Variable Products

Variants on collection page : Display variants instead of products on collection pages. No need to copy product info. Show ONLY VARIANTS with important options

Show right variant picture : Show an appropriate variant depending on collection. Split variants and change the displayed product image according to collection

Filter by conditional logic : Use collection conditions to show variants with specified option values. Variable shows these variants on collection pages just as products

Boost filter Collection Page
Show variants on collection page

Variable app for Shopify makes it possible to split up products and show variants on collection pages. The app allows you to display the right product image, depending on the collection page, and set up a relevant title for each variation. No need to create tons of products!

Our app integrates with your store's theme completely, so variants will show up exactly as products

No coding required

Variants on collection pages

You can configure which variations you want to show on collection pages. Simply select varying product options, and the app will display only variants with unique values in these options

For example, you have a product in different colors. The app can display all of these color variants on collection pages. You can show variants as separate products with a unique image. Also, the app allows you to ignore options like size, weight, and display the first available color variant

Collection conditions

Variable Products make it possible to set the collection that shows all the pictures in a specific color or any other option. Using conditions, you can filter variants on collections. E.g. show variants in blue

The app shows variants as products according to a collection

Variants table

Variable table in live mode displays all variants with status(shown or hidden), displayed title, quantity, availability for purchase. Before saving a new configuration, you can safely make sure that no variants are missed

Custom title for variants

The app enables you to add variants to collection pages and change the displayed title of each variation or set up your pattern of variant naming. Name variants using the combination of different product fields. Such as vendor, product type, variant SKU, option values

Collection Page: Automatically hide unavailable variants

It's possible to hide all of your unavailable variants from your catalog and show the available ones instead. After variants are back in stock, they will be shown immediately. Autohide variants feature also can hide variations that quantity less than specified

Mix variants

You can change the order of variants on collections, and mix product variants amongst other products

Variants popularity

Variable app helps you track the most popular product variations. You can analyze conversion by grouping visits by variant, product, product type, etc

Add to cart

Variable provides the opportunity for your customers to add variants to cart directly from the collection page, without reloading the page. Buyers can select missing options (for instance, size, weight) and quantity while continuing to scroll through collection pages

In conclusion, the app provides the opportunity to show variants on collection pages in any variations and any quantity

App Images
Launch date
November 18, 2019
App rating
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at