Shopify App : Upsell & Cross Sell ‑ Selleasy

Frequently bought together, related product addons, bundles.

About Upsell & Cross Sell ‑ Selleasy

Increase Average Order Value : Upselling & cross selling can increase your Shopify store’s average order value (AOV) and sales. Sell more with the same effort.

Improve Item Discoverability : Our upsell widgets across multiple placements improves the visibility of related products that may be also bought together.

Smooth Upsells & Cross Sells : High converting upsells and cross sells with seamless theme integration. Pleasant customer experience & no annoying popups!

Checkout LogBase Store Pickup Conversion Bear Geolocation AppHQ Slide Cart
Upsell, Cross Sell, Frequently bought together, Product Bundles.

Why this Shopify upsell app is a must have for your online store?

The Selleasy app displays high conversion pre purchase and post purchase upsell offers. This prompts customers to include related products / accessories, and increases your average order value (AOV). The best part is your customer acquisition cost remains the same, and hence your profitability also increases.

You can choose among different flavors of upsell and cross sell and use what converts best for your store.

Frequently bought together bundle

Display Amazon-style “frequently bought together” bundle on the Shopify product page. You can also setup a bundle discount and motivate the customer to go for the bundle instead of just the single product.

Product addons

Display a list of product addons on the Shopify storefront. Optionally, setup a discount for the product addons. Your customers can pick and choose any addons they like. This widget can be customized in multiple styles like Grid, List or Slider.

Cart page upsell funnel

For many stores a cart page upsell funnel can get higher conversions. Our Shopify cart page upsell funnel displays an initial offer and based on whether the customer accepts or declines, we can configure to show another upsell or downsell. You can also apply “fear of missing out” by including discounts with countdown timers.

Cart addons

Display a list related addons just before proceeding to checkout. Unlike the upsell funnel, this widget can display multiple related products at a time.

Post purchase upsell

The post purchase upsell is a great option to remain unobtrusive until the order is confirmed, and then present related products for a cross sell. The post purchase upsell page is triggered after payment but before thank you page. Any, items added here will be added to the main order in a single click. Please note, post purchase upsell only works with Shopify payments credit card, Shop Pay and PayPal Express.

Thank you page addons

The thank you page is visited multiple times as it is also the order status page. Display related products here to entice customers to order items they might have missed out.

How are we different from other apps?

  • This app maximizes conversion by showing both pre purchase and post purchase upsell / cross sell offers.
  • Our embedded upsell and cross sell widgets are unobtrusive. No annoying pop ups that increase bounce rate.
  • Lightning fast user experience that loads quickly even on slow mobile networks.
  • Compatible with other apps - we don’t create draft orders.
  • Get free installation and setup guidance on a Zoom call.

Other features

  • Multi language support
  • Multi currency - Supports multi currency apps like Geolocation, Conversion Bear, etc.
  • Automatic product recommendations for select widgets.
App Images
Launch date
July 15, 2021
App rating
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

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About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at