Shopify App : Tip Quik | Tip Pop‑up in Cart

Let your customers add a tip — and make your employees smile.

About Tip Quik | Tip Pop‑up in Cart

Let customers add a tip : Before your customer goes to checkout, Tip Quik will give them the option to add a tip (gratuity).

Make your employees happy : Tips help your employees. Plus, it feels good to be rewarded for a job well done.

Make your customers happy : People want to contribute. Give them the opportunity.


On the cart page or slide-out cart, a pop-up will appear when the checkout or Shop Pay button is clicked. The pop-up will ask your customer if they wish to leave a tip before it brings them to checkout.

Tested and working on all official free Shopify themes.

Help your employees get more: Tip Quik gives your customers the option to add a tip to their order before they reach checkout.

Your employees will be grateful to have extra money in their pocket... it’ll help them get groceries, or to pay their extraneous bills.

And it’ll make them happier at work. It feels good to be rewarded.

Employees will always remember the boss that went above and beyond. The one who did something special for them.

Tip Quik is an easy way to become that boss.

If that’s not enough to convince you, there are also plenty of other reasons to install Tip Quik:

  • When your employees are happy, they’ll work better.
  • They’ll also be less likely to quit... meaning less time wasted struggling to train new workers.
  • Studies have shown that tipping makes customers happier, not just employees. Tip Quik can mean more positive reviews and more sales from repeat customers.

Tip Quik is good for everyone: it makes your employees happy, it gives your customers a chance to express their gratitude, and it makes your life easier.

People depend on each other to do good. Install Tip Quik today and give them the chance!

App Images
Launch date
November 13, 2020
App rating
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].