Shopify App : Low Stock Alert & Stock Value

Low Inventory alert, out of stock alert and Inventory Value

About Low Stock Alert & Stock Value

Flexible low stock alert : Email alerts/notifications and views for low Stock. Vendor, Location and product type, tag based notification on your preferred time.

Unlimited CSV notifications : Schedule low stock alerts by sending CSV on email. Send notifications to more than one email. Save your alerts once and reuse them forever.

Get alerts when you want : Schedule emails weekly or daily based on your preferred time and timezone for inventory alert & low stock alert. Immediate & scheduled alert

inventory email slack
  • Install now and lock these rates for a lifetime.

Low stock report and alert

You can easily customize/create and export low stock data in an email at a scheduled time periodically (Daily or specific days of the week).

Customized and flexible low-stock alerts and view

  • Vendor-based notification - Inclusion and exclusion of low stock notification email(You can exclude one or more vendors from the report).
  • Location-based notification - Get notified for a specific location/s.
  • Tag-based notification
  • Product type-based notification
  • Gift card exclusion-based notification
  • Create as many alerts with the same or different email recipients with any combination of the above filters.

Immediate alerts or schedule them as per your need

  • Schedule the low stock report during your most productive time of the day/week.
  • Supports the scheduling of the alerts based on your timezone.
  • Support immediate alerts, the moment your stock goes below a threshold.
  • Support seamless slack alert / slack notification for low stock.

Send to whom you want

  • Send the reports/alerts to anyone on your team, send them to your vendor or warehouse in charge.

Automated checks to detect missing cost price variants

The app helps you detect which items are missing the cost price and then edit them in bulk. This is Important for accounting and we help fix this quickly.

Near real-time sync

We sync the data closest to the tick off the clock, if you still see an issue you can force sync the app with the latest data.

Works seamlessly with Stockie app as well.

We do provide an option for live chat and support to our customers. Have any other questions/suggestions feel free to drop us a note.

App Images
Launch date
November 12, 2021
App rating
Top features

Speed tested: no impact to your online store

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].