Shopify App : Snapchat Ads

Grow your business with shoppable ads on Snapchat!

About Snapchat Ads

Grow and Measure Sales : Measure the impact of your ads, build retargeting audiences, and optimize campaigns to drive purchases with the Snap Pixel.

Showcase Your Products : Easily sync your Shopify products to your Snapchat Catalog to create engaging, made-for-commerce product ads.

Personalize Campaigns : Reach the right customers at the right time with Dynamic Ads; get set up from either Snapchat’s Ads Manager or Shopify’s Marketing tab.


About Snapchat Ads

Snapchat Ads allow brands to reach Snapchat’s unique audience and drive meaningful results for their businesses. Snapchat offers a variety of features built for e-commerce businesses.

Join 10,000+ Shopify merchants using the Snapchat Ads app to market and grow their businesses!

Seamlessly build your brand and grow sales on Snapchat

  • Set-up the Snap Pixel within a few clicks
  • Sync your Catalog so you have the most up-to-date product information for your ads
  • Create and manage ad campaigns directly from Snapchat’s Ads Manager or Shopify’s Marketing tab

Reach a unique, highly engaged audience

  • Snapchat has 229 million daily active users, on average¹
  • Snapchatters are highly engaged—our community spends an average of over 30 minutes on Snapchat every day²
  • Today, each Daily Active User opens Snapchat 30 times per day on average²

Capture spending power of Millennial & Gen Z audiences

  • In the U.S., UK, France, Canada, and Australia, Snapchat reaches more 13-24 year-olds than either Facebook or Instagram³
  • Millennials and Gen Z have $1 Trillion in direct spending power⁴

Easily create two types of campaigns from within Shopify’s Marketing tab

  • Brand Awareness Ads
    • Create engaging Brand Awareness Ads to reach new customers with Story Ads, which allow you to showcase anywhere from 3 to 20 products in a thematic way, such as items within a product category or a new line that’s launching.
  • Dynamic Shopping Ads
    • Automatically re-engage high-intent audiences with Dynamic Shopping Ads. Promote your entire catalog to people who have recently visited your website, in real-time.

Already using Snapchat’s Ads Manager?

Here’s why you should consider using the Snapchat Ads app:

  • Install the Snap Pixel easily, within a few clicks. The Snap Pixel allows you to:
    • Measure the effectiveness of your campaigns by attributing purchases to ads and viewing metrics like return-on-ad-spend
    • Target audiences who have recently viewed their products while excluding those who have already purchased
  • Sync the products from your store into a new Snapchat product catalog, which you can use to build engaging shoppable product ads in Snapchat Ads Manager


  1. Snap Inc. internal data Q1 2020. See Snap Inc. public filings with the SEC.
  2. Snap Inc. internal data Q1 2020.
  3. Based on estimated reach data from Snap Ads Manager and Facebook Ads Manager as of April 19, 2020. Snap and Facebook use different definitions and methodologies for estimating advertising reach on their respective platforms. Given the point-in-time data and differing methodologies, this comparison is illustrative and subject to change.
  4. Cassandra an Engine Company. Generational Spend Research Q1 2019.
App Images
Launch date
November 20, 2018
App rating
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].