Shopify App : RetentionProf

Increase retention with automated customer segmentations

About RetentionProf

Increase loyalty : Grow your store by increasing Customer loyalty

Reduce customer churn : Increase your revenue by reducing customer churn

Minimize marketing cost : Increase your profit by minimizing marketing cost


RetentionProf uses data science and AI to help you understand your customers on a whole new level. Allowing you to target specific clusters of customers with communications that are much more relevant for their particular behavior.

Using RetentionProf, you get to know:

  • Who are your best customers?

  • Which customers are at the verge of churning?

  • Who has the potential to be converted in more profitable customers?

  • Which customers must be retained?

For better Ads and email marketing

Automatically get segmented lists for your email marketing software (MailChimp, Campaign Monitor etc) and Facebook custom audience from Retentionpro. Then run an automatic drip campaign on each segment.

Improve customer lifetime value

How much a customer spends with you during her lifetime is based on a number of factors. Retentionpro can assist in many of those aspects – reducing churn, offering upsells and cross-sells to segments that are more likely to respond, increasing loyalty and referrals

Increase loyalty and user engagement

If you want to run a loyalty program, Retentionpro provide you with Potential Loyalist segment that are more likely to respond to your campaigns

Automated segments :

  • Champion : Bought recently, buy often and spend the most!
  • Loyal Customers : Spend good money with us often.
  • Potential Loyalist : Recent customers, but spent a good amount and bought more than once.
  • Recent Customers : Bought most recently, but not often.
  • Promising : Recent shoppers, but haven’t spent much.
  • Customers Needing Attention : Above average recency, frequency and monetary values. May not have bought very recently though.
  • About To Sleep: Below average recency, frequency and monetary values. Will lose them if not reactivated.
  • At Risk: Spent big money and purchased often. But long time ago. Need to bring them back!
  • Can’t Lose Them: Made the biggest purchases, and often. But haven’t returned for a long time.
  • Hibernating: Last purchase was long back, low spenders and low number of orders.
  • Lost: Lowest recency, frequency and monetary scores.
App Images
Launch date
July 28, 2020

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at