Shopify App : Relocate Address Editor

Self-service tool for address changes saves you time and money

About Relocate Address Editor

Simplify Customer Service : Self-serve address editing means less emails from customers asking for help so you can focus on more important things.

Save On Postage : Put an end to money wasted on postage for a shipment that will never arrive due to a wrong address.

Stop Inventory Loss : Shipping errors mean lost product and lost revenue. Letting customers update shipping information themselves saves time and money.

Shipstation Easyship

Give customers the power to update their shipping address

Whether a customer made a typo, selected the wrong auto-fill, forgot an apartment number, or moved before an order could be fulfilled, that shipping address needs to be fixed or someone is going to have to pay to resend their order (and likely cover the cost of lost product). Relocate by Crowd Control simplifies the process by allowing customers to update the shipping address for unfulfilled orders, saving everyone time and money.

Relocate reduces shipping errors and customer service requests for:

  • Typos and auto-fill errors
  • Shipping delays for pre-orders or out of stock items
  • Subscription orders
  • Change of address requests

Relocate can be enabled/disabled as needed to give you control as to when customers can edit their address. Customers can edit their address using the following convenient locations:

  1. Order confirmation page after checkout (default)
  2. Order confirmation email (optional)
  3. Order details page from the customer’s account (optional)

Admin features include:

  • Enable/disable address change capabilities
  • "Update message" to communicate critical details with customers (e.g. processing times)
  • Control which address details can be changed (i.e. lock fields that might increase shipping costs)
  • Restrict when an order can be edited (e.g. up to 6 hours after checkout)
  • Specify which types of products and/or orders can be edited via tags (e.g. only allow address edits on products tagged with "pre-order")
  • Likewise, you can use tags to exclude certain products/orders from being changed
  • Customize address editor appearance
  • Add a custom tag to orders that have been updated for easy identification
App Images
Launch date
April 09, 2021
App rating
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

Speed tested: low impact to your online store

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About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].