Shopify App : Recommerce

Trade-in and resale made simple

About Recommerce

Incentivise loyalty : Improve purchase frequency and customer lifetime value, by rewarding customers with store credit for trading in items they no longer need.

Reach new shoppers : Extend your brand's reach to a growing segment of shoppers who prefer to buy secondhand to protect the planet, their wallet, or both.

Own your experience : Protect your brand's reputation with your own trade-in and resale scheme that ensures product authenticity and a high-quality experience.

Launch a takeback and resale scheme with Recommerce by Relished

Trade-in and resale made simple

Relished is the only recommerce platform that's tailored to your brand and requires no technical integration to go live.

  • Launch a trade-in and resale experience within your own Shopify store today.
  • The Recommerce app automatically uses your store’s fonts, colors and styling.
  • Let customers trade-in through their existing accounts on your store.

Join the fastest-growing segment in retail

Merchants of all sizes are embracing takeback and resale to reduce their impact on the planet — and build deeper relationships with their customers.

The Recommerce app makes it easier to set up a takeback scheme to incentivise customer loyalty, by rewarding store credit in exchange for trading in items customers no longer need.

Merchants who also choose to resell those secondhand items through their own Shopify store can also benefit from:

  • reaching a growing segment of shoppers who prefer to buy secondhand, and
  • protecting their brand’s reputation by ensuring product authenticity and a great customer experience.

As simple as buying new

We believe trading in and shopping secondhand should be a simple as buying new. With Relished, customers can trade in a product they bought from your Shopify store in just 5 clicks.

Smart automation

Relished makes it easier to scale a great recommerce experience across markets and product categories:

  1. Smart pricing rules: create policies to control instant store credit quotes for trading in — based on an item’s condition, original selling price and product collections.
  2. Instant store credit quotes: give customers an upfront quote for trading in, so they know how much store credit they will receive before posting their items.
  3. Automated store credit vouchers: once you have received and approved a takeback order, we will automatically send the customer a personalised store credit voucher.
  4. Automated shipping: give customers clear shipping instructions for sending in items. We’re also launching integrations with 100+ global carriers soon to make it easier for customers to trade in items without having to buy postage.

Great support when you need it

All merchants on the Standard Plan get helpful, knowledgeable support by email when it's needed.

App Images
Launch date
July 26, 2022
Top features

Up-to-date tech: works with the latest themes

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About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].