Shopify App : ProductShark

Product Supplier Research Tool

About ProductShark

Optimize Your Suppliers : Find product details and shipping costs for your primary countries and optimize your suppliers for your dropship business.

Check any Product you want : Find out within seconds if and with which margin you can dropship this product too.

More Winning Products & PROFIT : ProductShark helps you to find winning products and raise your profit.

ProductShark - Product Supplier Research Tool

ProductShark - Product Supplier Research Tool

Find products fast & easy and optimize your suppliers right now!

With ProductShark you'll find products you would like to sell including the right supplier and dropship it without any hassle. One of our first resources used to find suppliers for you is aliexpress.

How does it work?

You Found a great product on the internet and would like to sell it too?

Search with any product image within the help of the ProductShark App or make your life easier with the ProductShark Chrome Extension and we'll tell you if you can ship it and provide you with the potential suppliers or find similar or alternative products.

Best search results can be delivered if you use product images with uniform (white) or transparent Backgrounds.

Find suppliers for trending and top selling products

Collect product ideas in form of photos of these products that you would like to sell. Spy on your competitors products and optimize your suppliers for your business without any hassle. Easily find product alternatives to sell.

Optimize your existing product suppliers pricing

Optimize your product costs by finding others suppliers for the same or a similar product easily with ProductShark.

Compare products of suppliers super easy and optimize your costs

Review all results and decide for a better option and save money without hours of work.

Optimize your shipping costs, customer satisfaction and your profits the same time

Same product, better shipping costs from different suppliers will result in a higher customer satisfaction and higher profit margins and ROI for your store.

Easy to use within our app or Google Chrome Extension

A few clicks within our app or 1 click with the ProductShark Google Chrome extension can make all the difference in your profit and revenue growth.

Get ProductShark Now

Stop wasting money and time and start to optimize your product catalog, find great new top sellers easily and optimize them over time by finding new products other suppliers and better shipping options to make your customers happy and come back again and again.

App Images
Launch date
February 17, 2022
App rating
Top features

Speed tested: no impact to your online store

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at