Shopify App : Image Rename Bulk App

SEO optimize product images file names

About Image Rename Bulk App

Rename Product Images : Preview the sample file names, and click on 'Optimize' to easily update all your image file names.

Save time : Save time from having to manually write image file names for each image individually!

Improve your SEO : Good image file names tells search engines what an image and page is about, which can improve your SEO.

product image file rename

Easily rename product images

Despite your best SEO efforts, you could still be missing out on another source of organic traffic: your store's product images. How do you get in on this traffic source? By optimizing Image file names.

Good image file names helps search engines better understand not only what your product images are about, but what the whole page is about. This can help increase the chances of your images appearing in image search results for your keywords. Optimizing your website's image files names is your ticket to creating a better user experience for your visitors.

We automatically show you a preview of your product image file names. Then, with just one click you can optimize all your file names in one go - saving you time, which you can use for other productive things in your business.

We have focussed on making the app really easy to use, so that anyone in your team can easily update the file names for your product images. If you have a lot of images, then this app will save you time and you wont have to do the file names updates manually.

Why rename product images for SEO?

When it comes to SEO, creating descriptive, keyword-rich file names is absolutely crucial. We recommend making them exactly as the product-handle. Google themselves says this about image file names: "Filename can give Google clues about the subject matter of the image. For example, my-new-black-kitten.jpg is better than IMG00023.JPG. If you localize your images, make sure you translate the filenames, too."

Image file names alert Google and other search engine crawlers as to the subject matter of the image. Typically, file names will look like “IMG00023” or something similar. That does not give Google any clue about the image. Change the file name from the default to help the search engines understand your image and improve your SEO value.

This can involves a bit of work, depending on how many products you have, if you try to change image names manually. But using this app, we will do this for you automatically.

Let’s pretend you sell Nike shoes on your store, and have 5 image. If the product handle for this product is nike-shoes, the best way to name them is this way: nike-shoes-1.png, nike-shoes-2.png and so on. File names should be lower case and words should be separated with hyphens -- they are best when they’re short but descriptive.

Although a lot has changed from back in the day when you could abuse image naming by using exact-match keywords as a quick hack/trick to improve your search engine visibility – image naming is still extremely important.

If you are not naming product image files properly, you’re potentially missing out on a number of optimization opportunities.

App Images
Launch date
February 09, 2022

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].