Shopify App : Product Badges Stickers Labels

Product badges, stickers & labels to make your store shine.

About Product Badges Stickers Labels

Badges To Grab User Attention : Drive extra attention to select products by visually highlighting special attributes.

Boost Conversions via Stickers : Educate shoppers in a creative way and help them make a purchase decision faster.

Easy and Elegant Labels : Create professional looking badges with powerful targeting in just a few clicks.

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Badges and labels

Prime Badges, Labels, Stickers

Displaying product badges (also referred to as labels, stickers, tags, or markers) is a well-established technique to help shoppers make buying decisions and thereby improve conversions. All well-known shopping portals including Amazon, Walmart, Etsy, Aliexpress, etc make extensive use of product badges.

Prime App brings the same ability to create and display professional badges on your Shopify store.

100,000+ Built-in Icons

Pick any icon from the library without worrying about licensing. The badges also support the inserting of emojis.

900+ Animated Icons

Add unique eye catching icons with motion effects to add thoughtful messaging and playfulness drawing user attention.

Powerful Rules

Setup badge display rules based on the product, customer, and page attributes. Combine more than one condition to create unique promotions.

Dynamic Data

Display real-time information such as inventory counter, sale counter, order counter etc as part of badge text.

Fast & Easy

The badges are built in a way that they get displayed super quick without slowing the store.

Multiple Stickers

Show more than one badge, on products that fulfill the display rules.

Display on any Product Page

Show badges on product detail pages, collection pages, homepages, search pages, and/or any other page having product information.

Flexible Position

Display the badge as an overlay on the product image, on a separate line below the product title, or anywhere else on the page - the app can be configured to display the badges at the precise location.

Text and Image Badges

Create badges by providing the display text or simply upload your own images.


Display badge text in any language of your preference.

Schedule Visibility

Specify the start and end time to control the badge display timeframe. Run time-bound promotions with confidence.

Badge Links & Tooltips

Specify extra information by showing a message on mouse hover or by redirecting to a link when the user clicks the badge.


You can specify the excluded list of products to prevent the display of badges.

Geotarget Badges

Add country restriction to display badges based on customer location.

Dynamic Metafields

Display values of metafields, that are created via other apps, right inside the badge text.

Badge Groups

Cluster badges into groups and display them at different locations for the same product.

Responsive Design

Configure different badge sizes for desktop, tablet, and mobile to ensure badges look great on all the devices.


Change shape, color, and size to stylize the badges as per your requirements. You can also add custom fonts.

Theme Compatible

It works well with any theme including custom ones.

Try the app now!

App Images
Launch date
April 24, 2020
App rating
Top features

Speed tested: low impact to your online store

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].