Shopify App : Power Tools Bulk Edit Tags

Quickly add, remove or replace your product tags in bulk

About Power Tools Bulk Edit Tags

Get More Done With Bulk Edits : Save yourself hours in the office by editing tags in bulk.

Description & Collection Tags : Modify your tags across entire collections with just a click. Plus, add or remove tags based on product descriptions.

Advanced Combinations : Bulk delete tags, or update tags based on combinations of other tags.

Power Tools Bulk Edit Tags

Shave Hours Off Your Workload

As a business owner, your top priority should be expanding your eCommerce empire. Which means, anytime you find yourself spending hours fiddling with the back-end of your Shopify store... you're wasting valuable time.

After all, you didn’t get into this business because you love editing hundreds of tags. You got into this business because you wanted to build a store that'd help your customers. Plus, make you money, give you more freedom and change your life.

So why not make these tasks more efficient? That way, you could focus your time on boosting your business instead.

Say ‘Goodbye’ To Editing Tags By Hand...

  • Combine Collections. Want to create more complex collections, or even combine existing ones? All you need to do is create a new collection with the rule - tag equals 'my-new-tag'. Then, add that tag to all the products in a couple of clicks.
  • Add, Remove & Replace Based On Tags. This new feature allows you to replace any existing tag or tags. For example, if you have a product tagged 'Red' and 'Blue', you can add 'Multi-color' as a tag. Or, even replace 'Red' and 'Blue' with 'Red-Blue'.
  • Add & Remove By Product Description. Ever needed to add some tags based on the product description? Now you can. For example, if your products have a description like 'Organic: Yes'. Now you can tag all your products with 'Organic' in one step!

And It Comes With Awesome Bonuses Too!

  • Seamless 1-Click ‘Developer-Free’ Installation. Don’t waste time or money installing the app or hiring a developer.
  • Friendly, Responsive Customer Support. Get all your questions answered, right now.
  • No Ads or Branding. Keep your store professional and congruent with your brand.

Easy to use

It takes just a few minutes to setup and requires no development experience. That's right, no coding required.

Once installed, it's super easy to manage and update the app anytime. If you ever run into trouble, you'll have access to our support to help you get the most out of this app.

If you loved the app, why not check out the rest of the Power Tools Suite? The Bulk Tag Edit app works great with our other products too.

App Images
Launch date
November 20, 2013
App rating
Top features

Speed tested: low impact to your online store

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].