Shopify App : Popsell

Human Powered Commerce

About Popsell

Community interactions : Interactions with your brand and between members : posts, news feed, instant messaging.

Missions and Challenges : Tailored gamification program + dedicated community managers.

C2C Commerce & personal shops : Personal recommendations, user generated content and dedicated online shops



Our conviction is that your customers will drive your commerce in the future. Popsell is an innovative solution to engage your customers and employees with your brand, enabling to build a new C2C sales channel.

With Popsell, each customer becomes a new point of sale!


Popsell was created in 2013 and has developed a new concept inspired by the direct selling model and the power of personal recommendations. The result of several years of R&D is a brand new platform tailored for your brand, where your customers and employees can join a community and engage in a new selling experience.


Consumers become less and less loyal, and tend to distrust brands. That is why we have made the choice to help brands focus on the main thing: Human. Our programs share a common goal: to make your communities the central piece of your growth in terms of business, awareness and branding. Wether the members are your customers, your employees or your salespeople, our team offers dedicated features and entertainment to build a lasting relationship with your community.


Popsell is a Brand dedicated and standalone platform, which can be accessed through desktop browsers, mobile browsers or mobile apps. It works alongside or inside your existing Shopify e-commerce website.

Your employees or customers can join the Popsell Platform to :

  • discover the community feeds,
  • interact with other members (posts, comments, instant messaging),
  • interact with your brand,
  • create publications with their own content (photos, videos, products),
  • take up challenges, gain points and rewards,
  • fill their own e-shop with their favorite products from the Shopify Catalog,
  • share their publications and favorite products on social medias,
  • be rewarded each time their friends or visitors buy a product on their e-shop.


Integration between Popsell and Shopify is seamless : Accounts and Products are synchronised between Shopify and Popsell. The order process from a Popsell personal shop is handled seamlessly by Shopify.

All the Popsell components can also be embedded into your e-Commerce website, via Widgets and APIs.


Setting up a Popsell platform is not an automated process. The integration must be handled by our technical team, and the configuration of the platform (style, content, on-boarding screens, challenges, rewards, gamification rules ...) is also handled by our customer success managers.

App Images
Launch date
October 30, 2020
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

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Latest Blog Posts on

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[2019/02/04 01:28:00]

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Pourquoi transformer vos clients en ambassadeurs ?

[2019/01/25 04:22:41]

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About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].