Shopify App : Paloma: Sell in Instagram DMs

Automated sales conversations in Facebook & Instagram DMs

About Paloma: Sell in Instagram DMs

Sell Directly to Customers : Increase conversion rates by helping customers with what and why to buy, through easy-to-setup quizzes, consultations, unboxing and more.

Measure Results : See performance at every step of your conversation funnels, what products are resonating, and ultimately what drives sales.

Learn About Your Audience : Gather data points from every customer response, understanding more about your customers to help you create and sell better.

Facebook Messenger Instagram Zapier Feedonomics

Selling directly to your customers helps increase conversion rates, driving growth for your business. We’re here to help with automated, 1:1 sales conversations in Facebook Messenger and Instagram DMs. With Paloma you can set up experiences to capture leads, sell your products, and learn about your customers.

Generate Quizzes with Our Templates and Resources

Don’t know where to start? No problem. Our template library will help you get started with quizzes, guides and consultations for different product types, categories, AOVs, SKU counts, and customer types.

Just update the content to better sell your product, and keep up with our resource checklist for tips and tricks.

Dynamically Match Customers With Products

Drag and drop products to associate them with the responses customers can choose from, and Paloma will do the rest.

As customers navigate the conversations, we’ll automatically filter customers to the right products based on their responses.

Personal shopping just got way easier.

Measure Results with Full Funnel Performance Views

See how far customers get in your sales conversations, what products they click on, and if they’re adding to cart or purchasing.

Sales data is available at a glance and for each conversation.

Gather Customer Data & Insights

Customer’s answers are tagged onto their profiles, so you can learn about different breakdowns of your audience – what their favorite colors are, style preferences, flavor preferences, size needs, or anything else you ask.

Capture Leads from Ads, Links, Keywords and Direct Messages

Now that you’re open for one-to-one selling, help customers get to your conversations.

Paloma conversations can be linked to from Ads or URLs, Social Posts, Keywords, On-Site chat plugins, and customers who directly message your pages.

Manage Unexpected Messages & Handover for Customer Support

If a customer sends a message after a conversation, seamlessly acknowledge and handover to your support team to respond through their support management platform, whether that’s the Facebook Page Inbox, Gorgias, Zendesk, Clarabridge, Sprout, Kustomer, or anything else.

App Images
Launch date
June 04, 2021
Top features

Speed tested: low impact to your online store

Social media links

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].