Shopify App : Packify for Cases or Packs

Sell in packs at discounted price

About Packify for Cases or Packs

Sell in cases or packs : Create unlimited packs per product

Provide volume discounts : Sell more with special prices on packs

Keep inventory updated : Stock is kept in sync between packs and single unit products

Set pack's prices and optionally its own barcode and SKU

Packify app allows you to sell your products in cases or multi-packs and promote them to customers at a discount. The inventory is kept in sync between packs and single unit products automatically. Every pack is a regular product in Shopify with its price and a unique SKU and barcode.

Packify works with all sales channels, product feeds, ERPs, and 3rd party integrations.

Create a pack in 3 simple steps:

  1. Select a single unit product from your catalog
  2. Enter the pack quantity (aka multiplier)
  3. Adjust the pack name, prices, SKU, and barcode as necessary

The inventory of the Pack and its Single-Unit Product is tracked and kept in sync automatically.

Example 1

  • [[Single Unit Product]] Miller Genuine Draft — 50 in stock
  • [[6 Pack]] Miller Genuine Draft (6 Pack) — 8 in stock

As soon as the [[6 Pack]] is sold, the [[Single Unit Product]] stock is decreased by 6.

The result:

  • [[Single Unit Product]] Miller Genuine Draft — 44 in stock
  • [[6 Pack]] Miller Genuine Draft (6 Pack) — 7 in stock

The other way around works as you would expect. Every time a single unit product is sold, all packs' stock is recalculated and updated accordingly.

Example 2

  • [[Single Unit Product]] Miller Genuine Draft — 50 in stock
  • [[6 Pack]] Miller Genuine Draft (6 Pack) — 8 in stock

If 3 of [[Single Unit Product]] are sold, the [[6 Pack]] stock is decreased by 1 because only 7 "full" packs can be formed from the remaining 47 products.

The result:

  • [[Single Unit Product]] Miller Genuine Draft — 47 in stock
  • [[6 Pack]] Miller Genuine Draft (6 Pack) — 7 in stock


  • Sell in intervals like boxes, packs, pallet, or cases
  • Create unlimited packs per product (6 Pack, 12 Pack, etc.)
  • View the complete history of inventory changes of the packs and single-unit products
  • Assign a unique SKU and barcode to each Pack
  • Set the discounted price and cost for packs


Do I have to make any changes to my templates?

No. Packify doesn't add any changes to your storefront. Packs are regular products in Shopify tagged with "pack."

Does the app work with Products and Variants?

Yes. Packify works well with multi-variant products and allows you to create packs for such products.

Does the app work with several locations?

Yes. Packify supports multi-location stores out-of-the-box. The inventory is tracked per location.


We're happy to help you through email.

App Images
Launch date
April 08, 2021
App rating
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

Up-to-date tech: works with the latest themes

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].