Shopify App : Customer Login with Mobile OTP

Let's make the login process easy and simple for customers.

About Customer Login with Mobile OTP

Email & Password Less Login : Fast & simple login method, do not require customers to remember their registration email and password.

Secure Login OTP Verification : Customers can login with mobile number, securely authenticating the account through an SMS/OTP sent to their mobile number.

Avoids Spam User Registrations : This of course prevents spam user registrations that can bloat your website and understanding your store’s security.

OTP Login, Login with Mobile, Mobile OTP Login

OTP Login

OTP Login App increases in your store’s customer registration rate and improve customer user experience. Here, the customer only needs to enter their phone number and an OTP that will be send via SMS to their mobile to verify the login. OTP Login app is a highly efficient that not only helps in increase speed for login time, but also offers convenience to customers who often get frustrated in remembering difficult login credentials.

Features List

  • Enable registration & login with a mobile number
  • Option to hide old registration form on login page
  • Customize field labels and button
  • Customer can update their account information
  • Comes with Two-Factor Authentication
  • Set Code Expiration Time i.e. 1, 2, 3 ... 60 Minutes
  • Option to Enable resend code button on login page
  • Completely mobile responsive for accessing through mobile & tablets
  • Firebase authentication
  • Set the position of the form wherever you want to display
  • Increase customers

Login with Registered Phone Number

Customers can easily register or login to your website through their mobile phone number. This is a fast and easy process where the customer enters the phone number and an OTP is generated by the App and sent to the customer’s mobile for authentication within few seconds. Customers can login immediately after entering the OTP login code.

Associate Existing Account with Phone Number

Customers who have already registered can link their existing accounts with their phone numbers. This allows them to easily login into their existing accounts through OTP verification. The OTP Login app makes it easy for both new and existing customers to login through a fast and secure OTP verification method.

New User Registration

New users can easily register with your store by verifying their email and phone numbers at once. Afterward, they can either login using OTP or choose to use the email and password.

Auto Detect & Display Country Code

OTP Login app automatically detects the user’s location and pre-fills the country code of the customers’ phone number.

Hide Old Registration Form

You can also choose to hide old registration/login form, restricting the customer to only access your store through only login with mobile number option.

Set Code Expiration Timings

You can enable the code expiration time on the login form and allow customers to resend the authentication message if the time exceeds.

Compatible Themes

OTP Login app will support any theme with the Shopify platform including old version of Shopify and new version shopify 2.0 as well.

App Images
Launch date
September 20, 2022
App rating
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

Up-to-date tech: works with the latest themes

Social media links

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].