Shopify App : Ngagge SMS Messaging

SMS Marketing, SMS Automations, SMS Bots, Cart recovery

About Ngagge SMS Messaging

25+ ways to add new customers : Build your TCPA/GDPR compliant subscriber list using keywords in ads, Fb and Instagram posts, email, website popups, embedded forms etc.

Automate, Personalize, Analyze : Boost sales with targeted personalized campaigns, default automations for abandoned carts and more. Track, analyze messages, sales, ROI.

Text two-way & internationally : Grow sales and customer satisfaction with two- way messaging both locally and internationally on both desktop and our mobile app.

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About Ngagge SMS Marketing and SMS Bots for Shopify

Quick to start, easy to use, full-featured SMS marketing software, completely automated with bots, mobile apps, and a DEDICATED PERSONAL SUCCESS STRATEGIST to help you get started and keep your store growing with SMS.

We created NGAGGE SMS for Shopify based on our experience responding to millions of eCommerce messages for thousands of businesses over a decade and hosting our video shows and podcasts “Digital Marketing Intelligence for Shopify: Ask the Experts” and “Digital Marketing Intelligence for Shopify: Case Studies”.

25+ ways to add new customers with Ngagge SMS

Use keywords in ads and collect TCPA compliant opt-in permission from customers at checkout, as well as create opt-in opportunities with QR codes on print materials, links in emails, on social media, and anywhere you can paste one online.

Drive more sales and save valuable time with automations

Make life easier while boosting sales with drip campaigns and automated responses to recover abandoned carts, win back lost customers, send welcome and transactional messages, generate loyalty, and more using Shopify data and our default templates or create your own.

Increase revenue and ROI with targeted, personalized campaigns

Personalization is the key to increasing sales in today's highly competitive environment. Segmenting your list is the key to personalizing messages to get the right message to the right customer at the right time.

Personalize customer service with two-way messaging and SMS bots

Generate more sales and build customer loyalty with two-way messaging. Save substantial staff time using no-code, easy to configure SMS bots to respond to commonly asked sales and support questions.

Expand your reach with international messaging

Enjoy two-way messaging from stores located in the US, Canada, UK & Brazil and one-way messaging to almost any other country.

Manage more effectively with real-time data

With our dashboard and reports, view revenues, determine ROI & get insights into subscriber behavior, list growth & stability, as well as campaign, automation & message effectiveness.

Integrate seamlessly with your favorite Shopify apps

Ngagge SMS Messaging for Shopify seamlessly auto-syncs with your Shopify store and integrates with your favorite Shopify and third-party apps including Klavio and Recharge.

Contact your dedicated personal success strategist & 24/7 live support for ideas and help

Your dedicated personal success strategist is available to help you during business hours. Need help anytime? Our live chat support team is available 24/7.

App Images
Launch date
May 06, 2022
Top features

Up-to-date tech: works with the latest themes

Social media links

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].