Shopify App : Fields Manager

Easy management of custom fields ( metafields )

About Fields Manager

Add custom Fields : Collect extra information from customers. Add custom fields like textfields, select options etc on product pages.

View list of custom fields : View list of custom field values filled by customers at the time of placing an order.

Export list of custom fields : Export ( CSV ) list of custom field values filled by customers at the time of placing an order.


Manage custom fields of products.

This app is made for those Shopify store owners who need extra fields for their products. For example you may need to show some extra properties of products on product pages. In the event that your employees need extra fields of products, you can use our app to create a list of custom fields for products.

Custom order reports for custom field variants.

You may be already using custom fields on product pages. You may be using custom fields to add some extra variants on your product pages. When a customer adds values of those custom fields while ordering an item, then it is a little bit difficult for the admin to find them in order reports from Shopify admin. With the help of this app you are able to view and export custom order reports. Those custom order reports will also show custom field values filled by customers at the time of placing an order.

Manage existing fields easily from app.

You can use our app to view a list of existing fields on the app screen itself. You can edit values by just entering values in text-boxes and by just clicking on buttons. With our app you can export and download existing fields into an easy to read CSV file. You can also delete existing fields one by one or in bulk.

Create new fields easily from app.

You can use our app to create any new custom fields for products. Custom fields can be created by uploading a CSV file on the app and then by just clicking on the button.

Find the front end codes related to fields?

With the help of this app you are able to get direct code related to any existing custom field. Just copy and paste the code in the appropriate file to view the result on front end pages.


We created this app because we know that when you want to use extra fields for products then you are not able to use them directly from Shopify admin. That's a problem if your staff members want to create or manage extra fields for products. With the help of this app you will be able to manage any number of custom fields that you normally can't do from Shopify both effectively and quickly. It's also very simple and easy to use. Your existing fields are clearly listed for you as soon as you install the app and sync data and there is no coding knowledge required.

Support and Feature Requests

We are improving our app functionalities continuously. And I am open to your suggestions. Feel free to email us. Best Regards Admin

App Images
Launch date
February 25, 2020
App rating
Top features

Speed tested: no impact to your online store

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].