Shopify App : Gift Wrap Plus

Create beautiful gift wrap for your store.

About Gift Wrap Plus

Product level offers : You can add gift wraps to one product, many products specifically(one product at a time), collection, or even the whole store itself.

One click to make money : Easy to install Gift Wrap Plus, no code knowledge required.

Detailed Stats : See Stats of your best performing gift wraps and other activities.

Gift Wrap

We have been working very intensively on our Gift Wrap Plus app to create a complete solution for Gift Wrap on Shopify Stores.

  • Create Gift Wrap for All Store Products
  • Create Gift Wrap for choice of Collections Only
  • Create a Gift Wrap for specific Products Only
  • See Stats of your best-performing gift wraps and other activities

Creating gift wrap in your store allows you to offer your customers more than just a product.

You can edit all aspects of the gift wrap display from text, notes for your customers, as well as the image for the gift wrap providing a flexible way to create your gift wrap products.

1. What problem does Gift Wrap Plus solve?

By default Shopify doesn't come with a gift wrap feature, customers who want to gift wrap their products can now use our app with many extra features to customize it at the same time.

2. How does Gift Wrap Plus solve the problem?

It automatically adds the gift wrap feature to your stores allowing you to create different price ranges for different gift wrap products. You can add a gift wrap on a product level. In short, with Gift Wrap Plus you can add gift wraps to one product, many products specifically, collections or a specific collection, or even the whole store itself. The main purpose here is to increase your sales with the extra option.

3. How does your Gift Wrap Plus work with Shopify?

Once you install there are no code changes that you have to do manually, everything happens automatically.

4. How Gift Wrap Plus will change the look of my store?

You can have a look at our demo store or the screenshots, the Gift Wrap option displays just above your "add to cart" button, there are also fade/slide animation options to attract further attention from your visitors.


  • Limits: We count the last 30 days' orders.
  • Report: We provide a 30-day report on your Gift Wrap products activities so you can see what has been happening and how effective it has been in your store.
  • All store Rule: It activates the Gift Wrap on all products in your store with just one rule. * Product Rule: It activates the Gift Wrap feature for a specific product only.
  • Collection Rule: It activates the Gift Wrap feature for a specific collection only.


Bare in mind the number of orders for the last 30 days. This means your order quota never gets reset and it will continuously roll over until you reach your plan's limit

App Images
Launch date
December 06, 2016
App rating
Top features

Speed tested: low impact to your online store

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].