Shopify App : Flowify for QuickBooks

Automated Accounting Integration For QuickBooks

About Flowify for QuickBooks

QuickBooks Inventory Matching : Seamlessly integrates Shopify products and QuickBooks Online products to ensure proper recording of sales, inventory and COGS every time.

Automated Accounting : No more manual entry! Sales and COGS are recorded daily. Every payout is automatically processed - saving you both time and money.

Quick and Easy Onboarding : Seriously! Our QuickBooks Online onboarding is now only 14 steps. Gone are the days of accounting, now just set it and forget it.

QuickBooks Online QuickBooks PayPal

Automated Accounting From Shopify to QuickBooks

Flowify is a Shopify accounting application that integrates all revenue, product sales, inventory, refunds, processing fees, bank deposits, and more seamlessly into QuickBooks Online. Our application has two different modes (that’s right, two apps in one!), allowing you to track inventory and product sales, or simply record your daily sales summary without inventory.

Both versions of Flowify posts Shopify sales automatically to QuickBooks and reconciles your payouts so you know everything has been accounted for correctly. Never waste another minute manually reconciling your Shopify payouts and fees, refunds, or adjustments. Flowify automates that manual process!

Two Apps in One

Unlike the other apps on the Shopify marketplace, we don’t leave the configuration up to you. Our team of accountants and bookkeepers created a proprietary system to record sales while tracking inventory and without inventory, ensuring that your bank reconciliations are perfect every time. Take a step up to the next level with the optionality of Flowify!

Built for Shopify Store Accountants and Bookkeepers

Flowify takes out the guesswork and gives you full visibility of your Shopify e-commerce sales and fees. Flowify gives you accurate accrual financials, automated, and reconciled. That’s right, now more random carried balances from Shopify on your balance sheet?!

Flowify for Shopify is designed by bookkeepers and accountants, to automate accounting and reconciliation for Shopify stores.

Save Time Every Month

With Flowify we’ll take care of the accounting so you can focus on growing your Shopify business. Our product will save your accounting team hours of manual work every week. Leverage the power of automation to scale your Shopify business to the next level.

Key Features

  • Flowify automatically fetches your Shopify data daily
  • Flowify gathers your PayPal daily sales
  • Flowify posts summarized transactions to Quickbooks Online
  • Or Flowify posts all product sales, inventory adjustments, fees, refunds, and more to QuickBooks Online.
  • The only application in the marketplace with two application versions built in!

Still Have Questions?

If you have any questions pertaining to our Shopify app, want more detailed information on Flowify or simply want to chat with us - email us directly at

App Images
Launch date
October 04, 2018
App rating
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

Speed tested: no impact to your online store

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at