Shopify App : FlashSearch‑AI Search & Filter

AI Product Search and Filter, Search bar, Collection search

About FlashSearch‑AI Search & Filter

AI-powered Instant Search : Advanced Search with AutoFill and AutoCorrect, Instant Search Suggestions, Synonyms and 'You mean?' feature.

Advance Collection Filter : Improved product filtering experience on the collection page, search results page by advanced technology that allows instant display.

Conversion Rate Optimization : Convert more with smart search, merchandising and upsell recommendations, product labels, and redirects.

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About FlashSearch - Filters & Instant search

FlashSearch is a Shopify app developed by a team of experienced e-commerce professionals. Although developed and released after other Product Search and Filter applications, FlashSearch inherits new technologies and advanced thinking.

Developers put themselves in the customer's shoes and understand their difficulties when using a Shopify app. Hence, FlashSearch is built in an intuitive, simple-to-understand way but still retains the powerful features of a leading Search and Filter application

FlashSearch helps you optimize and increase user experience by quickly searching for products that match your keywords or sometimes those products are prioritized by yourself. It helps you maximize revenue quickly and customers feel useful to them during the search for the right product.

Support Online Store 2.0

Install by adding our app to your Theme Editor.

Support Shopify Markets

Showing exact product prices and currencies that you configured on Shopify Markets.

Provide the search results with Instant Search

Instant search makes it possible for users to instantly see the right products after typing the first letters. With FlashSearch, you won't see any delay in the search as it is instant. In addition, the results box also displays other relevant information from Blog, Page... which ensures customers do not miss any information after typing the product search.

  • Advanced Product Search Autocomplete
  • Spell-check & Typo Autocorrection
  • Instant search suggestions with live product preview: thumbnail, price, label, rating, in-stock status
  • Smart Search across product and content
  • Synonyms & Stopwords
  • Suggestion Dictionary
  • “Did you mean” feature to avoid giving zero results
  • Keyword-based redirects
  • Customizable look and feel of search bar

Allows filtering of product search results and collection search

FlashSearch supports two filter layouts including vertical and horizontal. You can change the filters for each collection, and FlashSearch can filter by product attributes or other third-party attributes like reviews. Basically, FlashSearch supports the features below.

  • Vertical & horizontal filter menu
  • Unlimited number of customizable filters
  • Dynamic filters by price, product type, collections, tags, vendor, color, size, product rating, availability
  • Multi-select product search & filters
  • Filters by tags & metafields & variant's metafields
  • Quick View, Add to Cart buttons
  • Optimized for mobile
  • Support product grid layouts from a lot of popular Shopify themes like official themes and third-party themes
  • Filter by review or from third-party
App Images
Launch date
August 24, 2021
App rating
Top features

Up-to-date tech: works with the latest themes

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About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at