Shopify App : Virtual Inventory Assistant

Forecasting, inventory planning, purchase orders, stock alerts

About Virtual Inventory Assistant

No more out-of-stock products : Stay informed about your inventory levels with daily inventory forecast emails. Easily track the forecasted out-of-stock dates of products.

Easily create purchase orders : Create one-click purchase orders based on inventory forecasts. Share purchase orders with your suppliers and track incoming inventory.

Get advanced inventory reports : Discover hidden inventory insights with AI-generated reports, stay ahead of the competition by supercharging your business with high tech!

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Make smart inventory decisions

Intelligent inventory planning for growing Shopify stores

Virtual Inventory Assistant helps you to make wise and confident inventory decisions to empower the growth of your store. Combining the best practices in inventory planning and data science; you get the right tools in your hand to get you ahead of the competition!

Intelligent Inventory Planning

  • Forecasting - Be informed about the expected stock-out date of each product in your inventory.
  • Analysis - Identify the best & worst selling products with ABC Analysis.
  • Anomaly detection - Stay informed about sudden changes in your inventory, receive alerts for each variant. Fix problems before they hurt your sales

One-click purchase orders

Replenish your inventory based on suggested restock quantities and always have the right amount of stock in hand. Send professional purchase orders to your suppliers as PDF or .CSV files.

Future inventory under control

Always have visibility about incoming purchase orders and align your warehouse, CX, and marketing teams around the stock availability. Never lose a potential sale again!

Actionable reports

  • ABC Analysis
  • Stockout forecasts
  • Low stock reports
  • Replenishment suggestions
  • Open-to-buy plans
  • Daily inventory forecasts emails
  • Custom reports on request

Easy setup in minutes

  • Set lead times and suppliers
  • Enter your stock preferences
  • Create a purchase order in the blink of an eye
  • Automate reports and purchase orders
  • Send purchase orders directly from the app (PDF & Excel)

Stock Alerts

  • Set stock alerts per variant
    • Receive low inventory emails

What's coming up next?

  • Purchase order automation
  • Multiple location inventory management
  • Advance inventory forecasting

Who should use the Virtual Inventory Assistant?

  • We designed this app for stores that manage physical inventory. If you are dropshipping, this is not the app you are looking for.

Does this app change anything on my storefront?

  • Simply, no. Our app does not change anything on your theme or have an effect on store speed.

We work side by side for better inventory planning

  • Our expert team works side by side with you in planning your inventory. Whenever you need support, we are available via chat, phone, and email.
  • We offer personal training for merchants who wants to improve their supply planning strategy.
App Images
Launch date
September 18, 2020
App rating
Top features

Up-to-date tech: works with the latest themes

Speed tested: no impact to your online store

Social media links

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at