Free your mind from busywork : Set up workflows and let all the works done automatically. Forget all the mind-numbing tasks and concentrate on what you really care about.
Scale-up with no extra cost : Grow your business, expand your business capabilities, and earn more profits with minimum operational cost and limited human resources.
Reduce the risk of human error : Let automation remove human error from your processes and ensure accuracy every step of the way.
Each small operational task never appears to be a significant time waster. Consequently, retailers may find themselves spending more time putting out fires than growing their businesses. Get started in minutes with 100+ prebuilt flow templates, or create your own workflow from scratch with our visual builder. No coding required.
Here are some of the automation examples Ergo can help you with:
Don’t let the busy tasks hold you back from achieving your full growth potential. Apply Ergo now and enjoy your freedom with automation!
Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin
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Ultralight Outdoor Gear is more than a store for outdoor gear and equipment. UOG uses Atom8 to save hours of manual work everyday! The post Ultralight Outdoor Gear: Reaching New Heights with Atom8 appeared first on GritGlobal | Make an Impact.
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Atom8’s External Data workflow allows you to send and receive HTTP requests to and from any external system. This information can be collected from various sources, including marketing analytics, shipping carriers, inventory management systems, etc. This information is then incorporated into the workflow’s comprehensive data, enabling it to be utilized within the workflow and automating […] The post External Data Support (HTTP Triggers) with Atom8 appeared first on GritGlobal | Make an Impact.
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An eCommerce consignment agreement authorizes someone else to sell your products on your behalf. Even after deducting the consignor’s fee or commission, selling in this manner may result in a higher price. Learn more about how this agreement works and how to create one. What is an eCommerce Consignment Agreement? An eCommerce consignment agreement, which […] The post Creating a Consignment Agreement for Your eCommerce Business appeared first on GritGlobal | Make an Impact.
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If you’re running an eCommerce business, proper inventory management is essential for scaling and staying profitable. Implementing an eCommerce just-in-time inventory (JIT) inventory system can greatly reduce the burden of managing your stock. In this blog post, we cover why businesses should prioritize JIT inventory processes as part of their strategy and discuss which tools […] The post Just-In-Time Inventory for Your eCommerce Business appeared first on GritGlobal | Make an Impact.
[2023/03/07 07:18:21]
If you’re in the eCommerce space and looking to take your store’s inventory management system to the next level, implementing an eCommerce perpetual inventory system is a great way of doing so. In this blog post we’ll walk through why perpetual inventories are beneficial for businesses and how best to implement them in an eCommerce […] The post Implementing a Perpetual Inventory System for Your eCommerce Store appeared first on GritGlobal | Make an Impact.
[2023/03/07 07:15:27]
As an eCommerce business, there’s no doubt that you understand the importance of operational efficiency for improving financial returns. You might have heard about eCommerce cross-docking as a means to streamline and optimize existing processes. This can be especially valuable in distribution and inventory management, where minor improvements often create significant cost savings. In this […] The post Using Cross-Docking to Improve Your eCommerce Operations appeared first on GritGlobal | Make an Impact.
[2023/03/06 05:05:01]
As an eCommerce business, staying ahead of customer demand for your products is no easy task. With inventory management being a vital part of any successful operation, it’s essential to stay updated on new techniques and technologies that can help optimize the process. One increasingly popular option among businesses today is eCommerce vendor-managed inventory (VMI), […] The post Vendor-Managed Inventory for Your eCommerce Business appeared first on GritGlobal | Make an Impact.
[2023/03/06 05:04:01]
As an online business owner, managing eCommerce consignment stock can be a complicated process. Keeping track of all the details — from inventory levels to shipping timelines and trusting that everything is accounted for — are all essential factors to consider when handling consignment items. If you don’t know how to manage your inventory or […] The post Managing Consignment Stock in Your eCommerce Store appeared first on GritGlobal | Make an Impact.
[2023/03/03 04:40:13]
Do you run an eCommerce business and are looking for ways to increase your sales and profits? If so, exploring consignment inventory could be a great option. Consignment inventory involves selling somebody else’s products in your online store without having to hold onto or pay for the goods until after they’ve been dealt with. In […] The post Implementing Consignment Inventory in Your eCommerce Business appeared first on GritGlobal | Make an Impact.
[2023/03/03 04:38:27]
For eCommerce businesses, one of the most critical components of a successful operation is managing inventory effectively. The ability to accurately and efficiently determine when to order products so that you don’t leave customers waiting or find yourself with too much overhead can make or break your business in an ever-increasingly competitive online marketplace. One […] The post Determining Your eCommerce Reorder Point appeared first on GritGlobal | Make an Impact.
About the Author
Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.
Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.
Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.
Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].