Migration from Etsy made easy : Migration from Etsy to Shopify in minutes!
Import data you need only : Select Etsy Products CSV to import listing & skip previously imported products.
Organize your products : Assign products to an individual Collection during the import from CSV file you've downloaded from Etsy shop.
Easy Import is Etsy to Shopify importer tool that helps you with Product listings migration from Etsy to Shopify. The app makes Etsy to Shopify migration easy and will import Products’ Title, Descriptions, Images and Variants with Pricing.
Import products from your Etsy Products CSV that you got from Etsy to Shopify in two clicks;
Automatically skip products previously imported to your Shopify store;
Skip unnecessary listings before the import;
Automatically import Etsy CSV listing file to Shopify and assign products to collections while importing;
Set Vendor and Product Type fields while carrying out Etsy to Shopify import;
Assign inventory policy to newly imported products automatically;
Publish recently imported goods immediately or make them hidden by default;
Quick preview before actual import to make sure the file is parsed properly.
Important migration notes
Currency is NOT converted during the import. Therefore, make sure to use the same currency on both Etsy shop and Shopify;
Easy Import imports only data listed in your Etsy CSV file. Categories and reviews are not included. So, they won't be imported;
Shopify has a limitation of 100 variants per product, so if your Etsy product has more, just the first 100 variants will qualify for Etsy to Shopify migration (Etsy intergration / Etsy integration).
Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.
Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.
Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.