Shopify App : Easy Country Redirector

Redirect your target visitors to your correct store

About Easy Country Redirector

Redirect visitor to home store : If you have multi store and you want your visitor to order at it's domestic store, then redirect your visitor and save your resources

Prevent high cost shipping : Redirect the visitor to their domestic store. Visitors orders will be shipped to their home country and the orders will be circulated fast

Allow yourself to access store : If you live in a country where you have redirected a store visitor in your home country then add your IP in White-list IP and access store


In the online store, the store owner has multiple stores by country based or by language based and the store owner wants to redirect their customer to their home country store or their language-specific store. The redirection of the visitor by specific rule does not provide by the Shopify. We are introducing Easy Country Redirector App. Our app redirects the visitor's to their home/continental countries store or language based store. The store owner can make the rule of redirects according to his requirements.

What is Easy Country Redirector App?

Easy Country Redirector is a simple and more powerful app to redirect visitors to the correct store. We filter the users so that visitor can visit the correct store. We provide user-friendly settings in easy country redirector app, in which the user can easily manage the settings.

For example: If a store owner sells the clothes in multiple countries like in the United state and Canada. So the store owner wants to redirect all Canada visitors to Canada store which is visiting US store and He/She wants to redirect all his visitors from Canada to the US which is visiting from outside Canada. And the store owner also wants to redirect all worlds visitors except Canada be will redirect to his global US store. To solve this problem, we provide the solution to the store owner, the store owner installs our Easy Country Redirector App and make the rule of redirect all countries except Canada to US store.

How to Easy Country Redirector App works?

We provide features for the store owner to create unlimited redirects into our App and redirect their visitors to their requirements. The store owner can disable the redirects. Our App read all redirect rules and execute all the rules one by one. If anyone rule will be matched then the app will be redirected to the target store. The store owner can add the IPs in whitelist to access the online store.

App Features:-

  • Redirect visitor to his domestic country's Shopify store.
  • Redirect specific country visitors from visiting your Shopify store.
  • Bypass the blocked country by adding their IP address to WhiteList IP list.
  • WhiteList URL settings.
  • Auto-redirects your visitor to the specific store.
  • Display Bar to your visitors so he/she can choose the option of redirects.
  • Change the text and style of the Bar.
  • Display the Popup Box for visitors to visit their domestic store.
  • Display Image/store logo on Popup Box.
  • Display Country Flag in Popup Box.
  • Dynamically change the Country Name and Store name in Bar and Popup Box.
  • Allow the cookie settings to prevent displaying the Bar and Popup Box multiple times.
  • Add checkbox to don't display the popup box next time.
  • Add the Animation effects in Bar and Popup Box.
  • Search engine bots accessible
App Images
Launch date
March 07, 2018
App rating
Top features

Up-to-date tech: works with the latest themes

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].