Shopify App : DataCue: Personalized Homepage

Personalize your homepage to each visitor and boost sales.

About DataCue: Personalized Homepage

Increase Conversion : Your homepage adapts to each individual visitor by automatically displaying banners of collections and products they're most interested in.

Save Time On Manual Updates : Our algorithm studies your visitors and automatically displays the products and images they are most likely to buy. No more manual updates!

Gain Control : Watch and track every click that your homepage generates. See what content is converting best!


Your homepage should treat your best customers as VIPs

Your homepage is the most prominent feature of your store, but too many stores show the same content to every visitor. If I visit for the first time, I see the same content. If I've visited 20 times, I still see the same content. On average only 3% of your visitors will buy something. Shouldn't you give your best visitors a VIP experience?

What if your homepage could learn what each visitor likes during their visit and respond immediately? Your favourite video websites like YouTube do this by recommending videos you would enjoy based on your previous viewing history. Click on a video of your favourite song, and suddenly you see other music recommendations similar to that song. Now you can do the same for your Shopify store.

Customers visit your homepage multiple times before they decide to buy. This is a perfect opportunity to engage them with banners and products they're most interested in.

Personalize your homepage to every visitor, improve your user experience and watch your conversion rate grow.

Upto 30% increase in conversion

The top websites personalize their homepages for a reason. It works. Go launch your favourite video website (ends with Tube), notice how the homepage is clearly unique to you.

It makes you feel understood, it reduces the work you need to do to discover what they have. Next thing you know, you've spend an hour devouring some great content.

Now, you can bring the same capabilities to Shopify and watch your conversions grow. Happier customers = more sales.

Built for speed

All product images are responsive and lazy loaded to make sure your site performance stays great. All DataCue hosted banner images are powered by Amazon's CDN, one of the best in the business.

Simple homepage personalization without coding

DataCue is a simple and powerful app that lets you personalize your homepage without any coding. It allows you to customize your banners and product recommendations from our friendly, drag-and-drop dashboard.

Key features:

  • Dynamic banners (show different banner images to each visitor)
  • Product recommendations upsell & cross-sell
  • Recently viewed and best sellers
  • Onsite personalized notifications
  • Self-service dashboard
  • 7 days a week support via email/live chat


Works with your favourite apps, and we'll add more on request.

**Product Review apps** (show star ratings below product recommendations) - Loox - JudgeMe - Yotpo Reviews -

  • Currency switcher apps

Use an app you want an integration for? let us know and we'll add it for you.

App Images
Launch date
July 16, 2019
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About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].