Shopify App : Bold Custom Pricing: Wholesale

Wholesale Pricing, Member & VIP w/ Quantity Breaks! NEW

About Bold Custom Pricing: Wholesale

Custom Pricing Levels : Offer multiple wholesale pricing and tiered pricing on your products. Set automated rules, or simply tag customers wholesale, and that's it!

Wholesale & VIP automation : Multiple levels of wholesale B2B pricing? Use our auto-tagging feature to automatically move dealers up wholesale levels as they spend more.

Wholesale "Power Features" : Use pricing rules, upload wholesale prices by spreadsheet, or use the detailed grid to assign each product's wholesale price & bulk discount

Bold Discounts Bold Memberships Bold Loyalties Bold Multi-Currency Bold Bundles

All in your existing store, never duplicating a product or variant or relying on coupon codes!

Offering Wholesale Pricing? Easily do things like:

  • Set wholesale pricing as a % or $ off across the store, or a group of products (type, collection etc)
  • Manually set individual wholesale prices for each product.
  • Upload your wholesale pricing via CSV to thousands of products
  • Create multiple wholesale price levels for larger dealers
  • Offer bulk pricing or quantity breaks to your wholesale customers.
  • Only show specific products to your wholesale customers. Not all products are for everyone!

Offering VIP or member pricing? Do things like:

  • Offer different levels of VIP pricing to reward better customers. (ie. SILVER 5%, GOLD 10%, PLATINUM 20% off)
  • Manually add customers to any group simply by adding a tag to their customer account in Shopify.
  • OR let the app automatically add customers to groups based on how much they spend, how often they buy, or WHAT they buy.
  • Spend X - automatically become a GOLD Member. Spend Y - automatically become a PLATINUM Member.
  • Place 2 or more orders become Gold Member. Place 5+ orders automatically become a PLATINUM Member.
  • When a customer buys a specific product the app auto-tags them GOLD or MEMBER, giving them the member pricing you set.
  • Combine logic! Example: After a customer has spent $500 and ordered 3+ times, they achieve GOLD Member pricing.
  • PLUS Show or Hide products

Add QUANTITY BREAKS & Bulk Pricing to ANY customer level:

  • Offer tiered discounts such as, "Buy 5 or more, get 10% off. Buy 10 or more, get 15% off. Etc"
  • Offer bulk discounts for just your wholesale customers, or just your VIP members, or everyone!
  • Offer different bulk discounts for your Wholesale customers then you do for Retail customers. EX: Retail customers get 20% off if they buy 10+, Wholesale customers only get 5% off buying 10+, etc)

Key Details:

  • You control the names of the customer groups, the discounts, and exactly who's in each. Manual or automatically
  • Discounts can be applied across your entire store, specific collections, product types, vendors, or a hand selected group of products.
  • Price levels can be set as a percent % discount, a fixed price $ discount, manually entered prices for each product and level, or uploaded via CSV.
  • SHOW or HIDE any product to any customer type simply by adding the tag GOLD-HIDE or GOLD-SHOW to the product tag. (great for products that are only for wholesale customers, or giving exclusive access to VIP members)

NOTE: The Quantity Breaks module is available as an add-on to the basic or premium plan.

App Images
Launch date
March 19, 2013
App rating
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].