Shopify App : ConfigWise

Enable AR for your e-commerce webshop

About ConfigWise

Product experience with AR : Let your customers experience products in a virtual way.

Increase online sales : Increase online sales and lower product returns using AR technology.

AR Library : Use our AR library containing various ranges of AR content from premium manufactures.

AR configwise

Enrich the product buying experience for your customers, ConfigWise lets your customers turn any space into their own personal showroom in just a few taps. With highly detailed 3D products to play with, customers can genuinely experience your products and know exactly what model, size, and color to order.

That means confident shopping for them, and fewer returns for you. Getting started with ConfigWise is easy too. You can create and upload your own detailed 360-degree product views, or ask our team to build custom 3D models for you.

You can also manage your 3D products anytime in just a few clicks. If you ever get stuck, we’re always ready to chat. It’s easy to get started and launch your AR app!

Enhance eCommerce experience for your customers with Augmented Reality(AR) using this ConfigWise Augmented Reality Shopify App. Bring the exciting power of Augmented Reality to your online shop with ConfigWise!

We help you showcase realistic 3D versions of your products that customers can explore in vivid detail on your website, or virtually place at home using your custom AR app. Using this extension will provide a direct integration to the ConfigWise platform. This enables an AR App button on your Shopify product page. The AR button will enable the end-user to visualize the product in AR.

Benefits: With ConfigWise you can use high-quality AR content from our AR library or feel free to request any product that needs to be made in AR.

App Images
Launch date
March 15, 2021
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].