Shopify App : Cart Convert Upsell Cross sell

Product Upsell & Cross sell

About Cart Convert Upsell Cross sell

Increase average order value : Create offers to increase the value of your customer’s cart - great if you have a minimum spend for free delivery or other offers

Upsell / Cross Sell products : Upsell higher value products, or cross sell accessories based on what your customer has already added to their cart

Recommend related products : Use tags to offer customers products relevant to their current selection, increasing the likelihood of them adding more to their cart


Easy to Install

We’ve made the installation process for Cart Convert as easy as possible. Follow the step by step instructions to add the snippet to your store code. Our marketing team managed to do this successfully and unsupervised, and they really don’t like code…

But if you’d rather not tinker with your website’s internal workings, email us and we’ll get Cart Convert up and running for you.

Sell more, sell higher

Customers with items in their cart are showing strong buying signals, so maximise this opportunity to cross-sell and upsell related products relevant to their purchase. For example, a customer buys a wool jumper, so you might upsell to a more expensive item by recommending a cashmere jumper, or cross sell them a matching scarf.

Spend threshold offers

Everyone likes to get good value, and paying for shipping can be a turn off for customers, particularly if merchants have to pass on high delivery costs. But if you offer free shipping based on a minimum spend, Cart Convert can present recommended products that will help them meet the free delivery requirements. It almost feels like something for nothing, and customers get a tangible item for their spend rather than a simple shipping charge.

Unlimited cart offers

Cart Convert gives you the flexibility to create as many offers as you like - great if you have an extensive or complex product range, or want a variety of spend threshold offers to present to customers.

Choose where to present your offers

You can present your Cart Convert offers on product pages, so you’re showing related upsell or cross sell products at the point of selection, or you can put the Cart Convert offer on the cart page, so customers can see their cart total and then choose to add another product or upgrade to a better version.

Performance and analytics

You get useful performance analytics with Cart Convert, to give you a clear overview of the additional revenue the app is generating. You can see how many product recommendations the app has presented to customers, your earnings from Cart Convert, and the conversion rate of those offers. You also get a summary of the number of products added to cart from Cart Convert recommendations, as well as the potential earnings of those products.

Offer Simulator

Test your offers against different customers and other variables to see what products Cart Convert will recommend. It’s easy to see if any changes need to be made before you go live with new offers, or to see what products your current offers are recommending.

Customise your offer text

We include standard default text for your pop ups and onpage product recommendations, but you can change these in the settings quickly and easily to suit your brand and how you prefer to speak to your customers.

App Images
Launch date
August 16, 2016
App rating
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

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About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].