Turn Visitors Into Customers : Have you opened a new tab to search for a better price? This Buy Now button allows you to choose from multiple channels like Amazon and more
3x Increase In Sales : Having multiple channels helps skyrocket your sales by 3x or more. Choose a standard marketplace button or create a custom button and upload
2x Upsell & Cross-sell Revenue : Your product is everywhere. Customers choose from different channels or markets and easily find your product, thus increasing your revenue.
According to CNBC reports, Even when shoppers find a product they want on a retailer’s page, roughly 9/10 said they’ll still compare Amazon’s selection or prices.
Does this mean that Shopify store owners don’t know about the product pricing? Well, truth be told, they seem to have a firm grip on this. But, they are not aware of just how much benefit a marketplace brings to the table for the Shopify store.
Having a marketplace + your online store is a powerful combination and BNB gives instant availability to connect your customers with more buying options. Our Buy Now Button helps you to maintain your store as well as put your product on display on multiple channels like Amazon, Walmart, eBay + more.
These channels have very recognizable colors/shapes. We use the same colors/shapes with our buttons so when buyers visit your store. you have instant credibility & buyers purchase with confidence. Our Amazon Buy Now button allows you to showcase your product everywhere.
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
WHO IS THIS APP FOR? Any Shopify store of any size. The benefit can be grabbed by any store using this app.
HOW WILL THE APP BENEFIT MY STORE? You can double your upsell & cross-sell revenue, increase the Average Order Value (AOV).
I SELL PRODUCTS ON EBAY ONLY. CAN I CHOOSE WHAT BUTTONS DISPLAY? Yes. Channel buttons can be turned on or off.
MY STORE HAS A LOT OF PRODUCTS. DOES YOUR APP SUPPORT IMPORT & EXPORT? Yes. Our app supports both. We recommend entering your first product data inside the app, so you can visually see a working example on the exported file. We also provide a video walkthrough on our help page at help.jojo.agency .
I ONLY WANT TO SHOW YOUR BUTTONS AND HIDE THE "ADD TO CART" BUTTON. IS THIS POSSIBLE? Yes. You can hide the "Add to Cart" button if desired on most themes.
CAN I USE MY OWN BUTTON DESIGNS? Yes. You can upload your own button design OR choose from our stock buttons. However, most store owners prefer and recommend our custom button maker. This allows you to create a button for any market place like Barnes and Noble, Best Buy, etc.
DOES YOUR APP REQUIRE ANY CODING? Yes and No. If you choose to place the button next to your add-to-cart button, there is one line of code that needs to be entered into the product template. We provide both written and video walkthroughs, but we can also do this for you at no charge. The app also supports a floating pop-up that requires no coding to use.
Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin
Speed tested: low impact to your online store
About the Author
Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.
Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.
Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.
Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].