Boost Profits Effortlessly : The cash-multiplying secret weapon used by the most profitable stores (which works even if you're struggling to sell a single product)
Save Time - Automated Setup : Humiliate the competition with the power of breakthrough machine learning technology.. completely automated set up with just 2 buttons
Increase Conversion Rates : Tap into the specific desires of your visitors, showing them the exact right product they can't resist, and skyrocketing your conversion rat
Hi, I'm Reuben. A programming nerd with a background in marketing. Frankly, the state of cross-selling and Artificial Intelligence apps these days *frustrates me*
You've got developers promising to give you the results of an e-commerce giant like Amazon.. while trying to implement the exact same algorithms that Amazon does. This doesn't work.
Here's the issue: data
Unless you are selling many thousands of products per day, you're going to run into a problem of statistical significance. In order to provide relevant recommendations to customers using an Amazon-like algorithm, you need a *lot* of data. In most cases we simply don't have enough for these algorithms to be accurate. We need a new strategy.
That's what I've developed. An easy to use cross-sell recommendations app, that even if you're *not* Amazon, you can still see great results.
AI and machine learning is amazing.. if it's implemented properly. Here's what the app can do:
This is all added within an idiot-proof algorithm, which will increase products sold per order.. designed to get more and more effective as time goes on (with no maintenance from you required. Even if you forget you installed the app, it will be honing in on what makes your visitors purchase)
Now, as this is a new app launch, I must tell you that the price *will be going up soon*. If you act now and lock in the current monthly fee then that's the price you'll pay forever.
Here's the deal: This will pay for itself in increased profits. Don't take my word for it, let me prove it to you.
There's a 15 day free trial available. If after 15 days you're not seeing improved conversion rates and more overall sales and profit.. then just remove the app and you won't be charged a thing.
To get started click the Add App button at the top of the page. After installing, head to the 'Targeting' page within the app and click the green 'Automate Targeting' button. Then you can activate the widget on the Dashboard page. Done. Let the results speak for itself.
Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin
About the Author
Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.
Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.
Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.
Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].