Shopify App : Audiens: Intelligent Emailing

Cross-sell email suggestions based on recent customer behavior

About Audiens: Intelligent Emailing

Intelligent Email Marketing : Get email campaign suggestions based on your recent customer sales. Know which products to promote to each customer segment, and when.

Increase Repeat Purchases : Discover your best cross-sell in one click. Audiens scans thousands of sales to learn what your customers will likely buy next.

Grow Email Revenue : Compare potential revenue of each campaign suggestion at a glance, from doing nothing ($), compared to a successful campaign ($$$).


Regular email campaign ideas

Audiens reveals new campaign opportunities hidden in your customer data. E.g. “These customers didn’t return last week when we’d expect them to. Don’t lose them!” and “customers who bought [X] in the last six months will likely buy these products next”.

Target the right customers

With every discovered opportunity, Audiens generates a segment of your customers who are most likely to act.

Which products to promote

See the products each customer segment will likely buy next if you include them in your next campaign, based on past purchases.

Best time to send

Know the exact hour and day of the week to send your email campaign to each segment for the highest chance of a sale.

Quick wins or long-term growth

Pick your approach. Go for a quick revenue kick, or bigger long-term growth over the year. Or both.

Predicted revenue

Have confidence in your next campaign. Compare potential revenue between each campaign suggestion, from if you ignore it to if it performs excellently. Audiens also forecasts the long-lasting impact on revenue to predict long-term growth.

Integrate with Klaviyo

Export each automatically custom-made segment to Klaviyo, ready for your email campaign. Or export as a CSV to upload to your platform of choice.

Protected customer data

We don’t share your data with any third parties. We focus on analysis to create valuable insights for you. Audiens stores your data on AWS Secure Servers which are backed up regularly, so any outage is protected against loss. We strictly follow GDPR and UK ICO guidance on data processing. You can uninstall at any time, and we will permanently delete any data we hold.

Start your free trial today

Your 14-day free trial gives you full access to all features. You’ll get regular insights and campaign suggestions. No credit card required.

App Images
Launch date
October 21, 2020
App rating
Top features

Speed tested: no impact to your online store

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].