Shopify App : Unlimited Fraud GEO IP Blocker

Fraud filter, IP LOG, Bots, VPN, Geo, Geoip Redirect, Firewall

About Unlimited Fraud GEO IP Blocker

Unlimited Visitors & Sessions : Analyse visitor's Risk Score & set auto email alert for suspicious traffic. Bulk block IPs, Countries, Bots, Servers, Tor & VPN Networks

Google Analytics Integration : Collect individual visitors' IP/Geo/Host info on dashboard & analyze user behavior on Google Analytics. Check blacklisted IP numbers

Daily Traffic Report : Count & analyse successful blocked visitors via redirect report Download daily visitors list & blocked countries, IPs or host list on CSV

Google Analytics

Unlimited IP & Country Blocker

Unwanted visitors and traffic making you lose sleep at night? Now you can block or redirect traffic from suspicious IPs, fraudsters, spammers, and content thieves, bots, proxies, blacklisted IPs, Crawlers/Spiders and specific hosts. This app also blocks or redirects traffic from countries you do not serve. Disable the right click function on your website and protect your website content from being stolen or copied. The app also includes features to help you optimize your Google Analytics insights and increase the efficiency of your Google AdWords campaigns by making sure your ads are not served to blocked IPs. Listed below are the reasons you should not wait to install this app:

• This app does not interfere with your store's theme

• Easy to install or uninstall

• Unlimited number of visitors or sessions (Unlimited Bandwidth)

• Unlimited number of countries & number of IPs & bots

• Dedicated Customer Support Team


• Exclude specific IP numbers & Servers from country blocking/redirecting

• Unlimited Blocking/Redirecting – no limit on sessions, number of countries or visitors

• Country Blocking & Redirecting (including bulk blocking/redirecting)

• Unlimited IP Blocking / Redirecting (including bulk blocking/redirecting)

• IP Blacklist Check

• Detect and block traffic from bots, proxy networks

• Daily Report on all Visitors’ IPs, their country location, host info

• Daily Report of all Suspicious Activity

• Suspicious traffic auto email alerts

• Detect and Block / Redirect traffic from Bots, Crawlers/Spiders, Tor Browsers, VPN and Proxies

• Website Content Protection – disable right click function and prevent the stealing or copying of your website content, incl images and videos

• IP Anonymization for Google Analytics – comply with EU GDPR and Google’s privacy policy by sending anonymized IP numbers to Google Analytics

• IP Decryption / Conversion Tool – convert encrypted or anonymized IPs to their original format

• Google Analytics Integration – send visitors’ IP numbers to Google Analytics

• Analyze user behavior from the collected IPs on Google Analytics and generate reports

• Optimize your Google AdWords budget – no more wastage as you can prevent your ads from being served to blocked IPs

• Google Bot Exclusion – Google Bot is not redirected so your store’s indexing is unaffected

• Import / Recover Data: upload bulk countries, IP numbers and hosts for bulk blocking or Redirecting

• Backup/Export Data

• Customizable EU GDPR Cookie Consent – customize the style and position of the cookie bar on your store

• Easy to uninstall - to remove the code from your store’s theme, first de-activate the app and then uninstall it

• Dedicated Customer Support Team via Email

App Images
Launch date
May 01, 2020
App rating
Top features

Speed tested: low impact to your online store

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].