Artificial Intelligent Tagging : Save time, money, and stress by using Artificial Intelligence to generate multiple tags for your products based upon their images.
Increase Search & Upsell More : Customers use search to find your products more than anything else, so tagging with correct and relevant tags means more views and sales.
Tagging In Multiple Languages : Generate product tags in multiple languages to help drive sales for specific countries, products, and to reach a much wider audience.
AI Tagit uses artificial intelligence to automatically tag products based on the images. Each time you generate tags for an product, we take the product image and analyse it for everything from colours, objects, backgrounds, features, categories, genders and more.
Adding relevant tags to your products is important for search within the store and AI Tagit helps provide and easy and simply way todo this quickly and efficiently.
Generate more sales and upsell products by giving the user results for more obscure searches. For example if a product image has a man wearing a shirt and a hat we return not only tags for ‘shirt’, ‘hat’, ‘man’ but also tags like ‘student’, ‘person’, ’summer’, ’leisure’, ’rustic’, ‘clothing’ etc.
This means when users search for ‘Summer Clothing’ they are returned this product. This increases the chances of products being viewed and conversions to sales.
We first sync all your products with our system allowing you to pick and choose what products you wish to generate tags for. Each product you generate returns a set of tags which you can remove should some not be necessary to the product. You can then save these tags to the product which updates the product within you Shopify account. Chose between replacing all tags for the product or appending new tags to a product to keep all existing tags.
You can choose 1 product or multiple products to generate tags for at the same time via the app, or via the Shopify Products page and when viewing a single product using the quick link within the ‘More Actions’ drop menus Shopify provides.
We support many languages for tag generation which enables you to change the language within the settings and append the same tags in multiple languages for the same product. This is especially useful for those that sell worldwide yet don’t have multiple stores. This is another huge advantage to upselling products and targeting specific products at specific countries.
You can control how many tags you want returning from a generation or let it return everything our system finds for the product. Also you can control the Confidence of the AI system to filter in or out the least confident tags being returned. For some you may want a wide array of tags returning, for others you may want to set a high confidence level to return only the tags we are most sure about.
Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin
About the Author
Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.
Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.
Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.
Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].