Shopify App : Advanced Store Localization

Geolocation: hide products, pages, blocks, redirects, and more


The Advanced Store Localization app is a flexible geolocation, geo-targeting solution for Shopify, enabling store owners to hide products, pages, content, and currency based on the country or IP address of the shopper.

Advanced Store Localization gives you better control than any other option available, creating custom country rules which can fit any zone you create. Our geolocation app gives you the ability for endless customization per country to make each and every country a truly unique experience.

Product Filtering

Filtering can be assigned to countries or even target specific states/provinces in Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, USA, and UK.

Country Selector

Allow your visitors to easily select which country they want to view from your store.

Stock & Inventory based on Region

You can hide products that are out of stock or allow customers to purchase products when sold out.

Redirect based on IP

Send your customers to the proper pages and collections.

Contact Information Based on Region / IP

If you have multiple addresses, numbers, or emails for your business, dynamically change these to display the information based on the shopper IP.

COMING SOON - Variant Filtering

Variant Filtering feature will be supported for most Shopify Themes.

For each zone, the store owner can:

  • Select which products are displayed
  • Auto-redirect between regional products & collections
  • Filter per-product or by collections, types, vendors, tags and locations!
  • Select which pages are displayed
  • Block visitors based on their location
  • Country redirect
  • Multi-Store redirection
  • Display localized phone numbers and email addresses
  • Reorganize content on the page to mask localization effects
  • Display/Hide page sections per region
  • Execute custom JS
  • Unlimited Products!

Geo-Targeting Currency

For each zone, the store owner can: * Select a currency for the visitor * Hide the currency selector to prevent the visitor changing currency assigned * Allow for smart detection of visitor-preferred currency (if user chooses a currency manually, it allows them to keep it)


  • Filtering and redirects load at speeds that are much more friendly for SEO and shoppers.

Privacy Friendly!

  • No private information stored on our servers about your store
  • Only public information is stored to reduce API requests (i.e. collections, currencies, products)
  • Settings (Admin) page uses/requires a session cookie for security
  • We do not retain any information or send emails after app deletion

Contact support through the dashboard if you have any questions or setup issues.

FREE for Shopify Partners, Employees, and Test Stores!

App Images
Launch date
November 21, 2019
App rating
Top features

Seamless workflow: use directly in Shopify admin

Social media links

About the Author

Matej Kontros

Matej Kontros is an E-Commerce expert and app developer with over a decade of professional experience in IT.

Matej has worked for organisations of all types and sizes, including global players, startups, and agencies. He designed, developed, and maintained complex projects.

Matej's expertise includes e-commerce, software engineering, web development, systems administration, internet security, managing projects, and building teams.

Visit his website at [ Web Linkedin ] or contact him at [email protected].